Posts Tagged stphenville symbols

Stephenville Symbols – Full David Caron Video Leaked… And Debunked?

ATS member AnnunakiX recently created a thread entitled “Stephenville Symbols – Full David Caron Video Leaked!!”. Here is the original posting:

The David Caron video seems to have been leaked on YouTube finally! Full video and audio. Very, very interesting indeed.

It’s about time.

Here is the Youtube video the member provided:

Shortly after reading this post, I clicked on a link to the Lights Over Texas website (which you can find here), and looked around their site for more information on these sightings. Now, supposedly the person in the above video was steadying his camera against a vertical object, but of course this is subjective. If distance is factored in, the only thing that is going to get a stable picture is a tripod of some sort. Also, the camera man told reporters that the vertical object he was using as a brace was a pole. If the pole was rounded as apposed to squared, we can already start to see shakiness as an issue.

Now, as I read on, I found another post that dealt with this very same issue:

Hand held, steadied against upright (building corner)

Night Alive mode
34x Optical zoom, manual focus at infinity
Subject: Canis Majoris/Sirius – AZ 172, EL 40, 2015 CST/05 MAR 08

As you can see, this camera is being braced against a building corner which one would only have to assume is much more stable that even the sturdiest poles. The result can be found here(part two of the experiment to recreate Caron’s video)

I did manage to find part one of the experiment on Youtube. Here is the information he provided for us:

I shot this video not 20 minutes ago (around 2215 CST) with a JVC GR-D770U 34x Optical Zoom, handheld, with Canis Major aka Sirius centered in the viewfinder. I believe you’ll agree the results are consistent with the Caron video.

And here is the result… very similar, eh?

Sources: Open Minds Forum post | ATS member post | Lights Over Texas post

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